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Any person who has been ordinarily residing in Hong Kong as Permanent Hong Kong Resident and want to change your Nationality as "Chinese", you can apply to become a Chinese National.

The key consideration of this application is to proof one of the followings documents:

  1. Whether you have a near relative who is a Chinese National having the Right of Abode in Hong Kong
  2. Whether you have the right of abode in Hong Kong.
  3. Whether your habitual residence is in Hong Kong.
  4. Whether the principal members of your family ( spouse and minor children ) are in Hong Kong
  5. Whether you have paid taxes in accordance with the law
  6. Whether you are of good character ad sound mind.
  7. Whether you have sufficient knowledge of the Chinese Language
  8. Whether you intend to continue to live in Hong Kong in case your naturalization application is approved
  9. Whether there are other legitimate reasons to support your application.

Once you have been able to answer the above in positive, you can definitely apply to become Chinese National.

Please note along with the completed application form, you will have to submit following documents :

  1. Your Hong Kong Identity Card
  2. Your passport showing your travel records and length of residence in Hong Kong or any of the following documents :
    • Letters from your employers certifying your periods of employment with them.
    • Letters from schools or other educational establishments showing the periods of your attended.
    • Tax returns or a letter from the Inland Revenue Department showing that you have paid taxes in the past years.
    • Any other document showing your residence in Hong Kong
  3. Proof of your relationship with the near relative who supports your application ( if applicable ), including proof of his Chinese Nationality and right of abode in Hong Kong, such as a valid travel documents and a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card.
  4. Proofs regarding other reasons (if you complete Part 11 of the Application Form )
  5. Proof of your relationship with the parent/ legal guardian who submits the application if you are under the age of 18, e.g. :
    • Your birth Certificate
    • Your Parents’ marriage certificate
    • Court order granting guardianship if your application is submitted by your legal guardian

After the approval from the government, you will be granted a certificate of naturalization on payment of the prescribed fees. And you will continue to enjoy the right of abode in Hong Kong as long as you remain as a Chinese National. But you cannot retain your foreign nationality if your application for naturalization as a Chinese National is approved.


  • Employment as
    Professional Visa
  • Dependent Visa
  • Visitor Visa
  • Training Visa
  • Entrepreneur Visa
  • HKSAR Travel Pass
  • APEC Business Travels Card
  • (HKSAR Passpor)
    Chinese Nationality